Relationship Question
Submitted by Ricardo F on June 20th, 2013
I find that some women who have that "perfect
dress" always looking for another. Explain that. Also I got this quote
from u "women will always give the most to the guy who give them the
least" why so?????
Men and woman think totally different. What makes
women look for another? Believe it or not, it tends to be the little things
that make women the most satisfied in relationships. Allow me to share
insights on what women want:
Time: Of all the things we talk about women wanting, time with their man is it! The vast majority of women in happy relationships get 30 minutes of uninterrupted time with their man each day. Twenty-four percent of women who claim to be in unhappy relationships spend fewer than five minutes a day with their man.
Ask yourself, “How much time do I spend with my mate?”
Uninterrupted time means time spent without iPhones and Blackberrys — a
conversation with nothing else on.
Appreciation: Nowadays, women take care of the
children and make salaries, and they tend to be very under-appreciated. Women
should be expressive of what makes them feel appreciated, saying, “These are
the kinds of things I like … x, y and z.” Men should listen, and women should
tune in when their man are appreciative!
Understanding: It’s important for women to have men
who understand them. It’s also important for women to help men understand how
to listen. Men often don’t have a clue they’re being bad listeners.
Women have to sense a time limit to conversation. More often
than not, men are sitting there thinking, “When is this going to end?” I would
say 15 to 20 minutes, max. Women should say to their husbands, “It’s 8:00 p.m.;
I need you to listen until 8:20 p.m.” Women may deserve 10 hours, but most men
are not the best at listening to serious, emotional conversations that go on.
Fun: This is one of those things that often go out
the window, especially after the being involved awhile. All the factors like
jobs, rents or mortgages can add to relationship strain. Couples should set up
a date night — once every week, even if you are tired — during which they spend
a minimum of two hours alone. During this time, the couple should talk about
everything BUT work, money and children.
Kind Gestures: Hugs, kisses, unexpected telephone
calls to say "I love you" Simple things. I suggest five touch points
a day for one week — any kind gesture that takes 30 seconds or less. If a man
can do this for his partner for one week, both can be amazed at how much better
they feel in the relationship.
Now, Women will give the most to guys who give the least because:
They want what they can't get: Nothing turns a woman off more than a needy partner. After all if a guy kept running after a woman then she will assume that he is desperate and because women are biologically wired to get attracted to the strong man that needy type turns them off completely. (Women like cocky men.)
They want a challenge: Most women want a challenge that can help them get a self-esteem boost. Nothing can make a woman feel better about herself than taming that wild guy who isn't emotionally available. In other words, women go for these men hoping to change them to the better but they usually find themselves stuck.
Biological wiring: Women are designed to look for confident, charismatic, dominant and risk taking men. Because the nice guy usually doesn't advertise any of these traits he usually ends up being a good friend rather than a desired sexual partner.
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