Boys Lie Men Don't: Conversations and Thoughts on Relationships is written by a Sterling-based trained social coach with relationship tip chapters on how people can renew their dating life! Dr. Daniyel Willis, D.D., a certified relationship coach, just returned from being a guest speaker at Civil Alert in Atlanta last month. He can discuss:
Your Dating Life Need This Facelift!
Daniyel has the woman of his dreams, but it wasn't that long ago he was making the same kinds of mis-steps we all do. Here are a few of his talking points on how women can get back in the dating game in a way that's empowering:
* Give the nice guy a chance. Why nice guys don't finish last!
* Don't get stuck in a "type". Why to be open when choosing a date.
* Avoid negative talk. Don't let others sabotage your chance for fun!
* Stop going out with guys you know are no good for you... and how to spot 'em in advance.
* Why dating doesn't have to be so serious.
Dr. Daniyel tells how letting go of hurt and resentment is the key to finding joy in your dates.
Want to know more?
A certified relationship coach, Dr. Daniyel is the author of the bestselling book, Boys Lie Men Don't: Conversations and Thoughts on Relationships, and appears on blogtalk radio as the "Fix It Doctor." Learn more at
To arrange a guest appearance or an e-Interview, contact

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