Friday, January 24, 2014

Break-up and Relationship Expert - Dr. Daniyel

More than 50% of marriages in America end in divorce after a loving relationship of a mere 5 years, Dr. Daniyel Willis, sadly points out that statistic. While others trying to cope with the agony of their break-up, Dr. Daniyel, new study of health practitioners, realized that there is a huge community dealing with the same obstacles. He vowes to turn what seemed like a negative event into a proactive and optimistic life transition.

"Supporting each other is really important. It's so easy to be disrespectful. Recognizing your personal responsibility is one of the most powerful ways of establishing and validating trust. Make note, males do not have much of a challenge with resentment. However ladies, males close to you have to get lots of messages that he is successful to stay motivated!" is an outlet that offers advice from Dr. Daniyel’s personal experiences, and also includes a variety of tips from other sources, providing insights into the vast realm of break-ups and relationships in general.

Some of his recent relationship advice tips include:
·       Are You in a Parasitic Relationship?
·    Your Gut can tell you if a Relationship is Right
·       Ways Women Sabotage Themselves when Dating
·      Breaking The Bad Date Cycle
·     Common Problems Daters Encounter after Break-ups
And more!

We would love to put you in touch with Dr. Daniyel, so that he can provide you with advice and commentary for any relationship story you are currently working on. Kindly let us know of your interest. We truly look forward to your response!
Today, Save 5% Instantly thru Amazon Today! Use this link to get the discount. It will appear at check out.

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Thank you in advance your support. Please continue to visit our weblog for updates and invite Dr. Daniyel to your next event.

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Intellect And Mind VS The Heart...

 Most people try to avoid expressing what’s in their heart. Today more men want to acknowledge their feelings in the first place because of the desire to bring women closer and women suppress them as not to be vulnerable. Because one may care more about a person the more complicated the relationship get.

My advice is to just talk about your feelings from day one! If you're not honest about your feelings in the beginning of the relationship it's probably sure not to work anyway!

If you CARE to be in a committed relationship, SPEAK UP! Don't bite your tongue and wake up two or three years from now still in a casual and sexual relationship. Most importantly, get clarity that your partner wants the same!

Men, if you FEEL like you just want to have a sexual relationship with no strings attached, FORGET ABOUT IT! Women can’t continue to create sexual and chemical bonds with you and allow uncertainty. It's not fair and its bad assumption even if the woman thinks it’s possible!

If you CARE enough to settle down, get married and/or have children, LET IT BE KNOWN! Do NOT waste your time with someone who doesn't want what you want?

And lastly, if you FEEL unappreciated, don't allow another day to pass without having a “CARE-frontation.” Without accusing your partner, share your experiences (information) that’s going to Enhance, Heal, Grow, and Advance the relationship.

What you FEEL is important write on paper first! Fear, Resentment, and Avoidance of Confrontation can be eliminated once you are “willing to be wrong about what you thought the person might say, do, respond or what you thought was going on.”  You miss the essentials when YOU want to be right and prove the other person wrong!

Inspired the chapter, Communication Is The Key, in my book, BLMD – Conversations And Thoughts On Relationships. Save 5% Instantly thru Amazon Today! Use this link to get the discount. It will appear at check out.

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Thank you in advance your support. Please continue to visit our weblog for updates and invite Dr. Daniyel to your next event.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Quote Of The Day!

Boys Lie Men Don't Quote Of The Day!

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Want to read more great quotes?

Join BoysLieMenDont on FaceBook and "Like" us. Still having difficulty getting through to your special someone? Check out BoysLieMenDont Communication is the Key, the last chapter on relationships in BLMD - Conversations and Thoughts on Relationships.

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Thank you in advance your support. Please continue to visit our weblog for updates and invite Dr. Daniyel to your next event.

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Let This Year Be...

Let This Year Be The First Pages Of Your 365 Page Book Of Good Writing! You Can't Turn The Clock Back, So You Have To Look Ahead... New Year, New Beginnings! What Will You Do Differently in 2014?

Want to know more or perhaps some great date ideas?

Sign up for BoysLieMenDont for Couples, a newsletter that makes it easy for you and your partner to share one-of-a-kind experiences together. Still looking for that special someone? Check out BoysLieMenDont Loving the Right Person, the first chapter on relationships in BLMD - Conversations and Thoughts on Relationships.

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Thank you in advance your support. Please continue to visit our weblog for updates and invite Dr. Daniyel to your next event.

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